Veteran's Bridge/Riverside

The west side of Veterans Bridge is a joy of planning and design, the east side is a mess. Why are we funneling people through that ginormous 4th street intersection? If you're heading east on Veterans bridge you can go south on Riverfront Parkway easily, there is a one way ramp, but there isn't one in any other direction.

Now obviously there is no enough room here to do a full ramp system, if only, but there is enough room to do some improvements.

In purple is the easiest add, a ramp going from the parkway back to the bridge. Without this people have got to make a left turn, then a right turn, then the intersection. Blech.

Somewhat more difficult is the ramp in green, either going over or under third street, to get up there. Without that people have to, again, take extra turns that what should be necessary, though to be honest, this is the direction that is less onerous.

By far, the one most needed, but also the most expensive, is the blue ramp. This takes people heading east on the bridge and puts them going north on Riverfront. Without this they need to make two left turns and a right turn in heavy traffic. I think there is room to put this ramp in, going under the parkway and then up to meet it, but it will have a tight turn radius. The good news is it'd require no eminent domain.

The whole purpose of this is to reduce the amount of unnecessary traffic going through the 4th/Georgia intersection, which will help that traffic flow more reasonably.

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